VEF Blog

Titre du blog : les choses qui font tripés
Auteur : lucas70
Date de création : 17-07-2006
posté le 07-09-2006 à 16:52:13

11 septembre 2001

The second plane crashes into the second tower of the World Trade Center The second plane crashes into the second tower of the World Trade Center The explosion after the crash of the second plane

The second plane crashes into the second tower of the World Trade Center Explosion after the crash of the second plane The World Trade Center is burning The World Trade Center is burning Smoke from the burning World Trade Center over Manhattan

The first tower of the World Trade Center on fire The World Trade Center on fire

The tower which has been hit by the second plane crashes down first The World Trade Center collapses

The World Trade Center is burning The World Trade Center on fire

Ground Zero, Lower Manhattan, New York City



david5300photos le 22-10-2006 à 09:52:40
faut aler de l'avent maintenent
david5300photos le 22-10-2006 à 09:52:21
A oublier!
Philippine le 08-09-2006 à 16:40:53
je sais que la mort de Régine Cavagnou n'avait plus attristé que l'effondrement des tours, mais je suis contente que tu te souviennes de cet evênement !